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Bilingualism in Monolingual Contexts: MOOC for School Boards (4ed. 2024) UNED

Course image

This is the fourth edition of the BiMo MOOC for Parents. This course will be left permanently open as an open educational resource to be consulted but the forum will be blocked since the course is not live and there is not tutoring support. This course is open on a permanent basis and there are no start or end dates.

This MOOC is the result of empirical research carried out in four European countries (Spain, Italy, Lithuania and Romania) in the different sectors involved in bilingual education. The contents of this MOOC have pedagogical and practical aspects related to bilingualism and bilingual education.
The course provides presentations and recordings of an informative nature that will be very useful for the participants. The course also includes a pre-course survey and a post- course evaluation survey.

Teaching team

Both the MOOC coordinator and the teaching team have extensive experience in the design and implementation of MOOCs. In recent years they have also carried out research on the impact of MOOCs on society, so they are well versed in the work methodology and the target audience of MOOCs.

Course coordinator
  • Inmaculada Senra Silva. Faculty of Philology. Department of Foreign Languages.
Teaching team
  • Inmaculada Senra Silva
  • Rubén Chacón Beltrán
  • Diego Ardura Martínez

Specific objectives

The main objectives of this MOOC are:
- To help members of school boards get a better understanding of what bilingualism and bilingual education imply.
- To provide members of school boards with solid and well-documented training from the academic field so that they can help parents make informed decisions regarding the education of their children in terms of bilingual education.
- To provide the results of the BiMo project quality primary research that allows society to transfer useful habits and customs for bilingual education.
- To establish synergies from societies with greater experience in everyday bilingualism, and which are familiar with bilingual education in a foreign language.

Knowledge area

Humanities and Arts


Module 0. Presentation of the course and the BiMo project.
Module 1. Contextualization. Introduction to bilingualism and bilingual education.
Module 2. What do experts say? What does the BiMo project research say?
Module 3. Testimonial of school boards and shared experiences among school managers.
Module 4. Synthesis. Sources of information and resources to deepen into bilingualism and bilingual education.

Recommended requirements

  • No previos knowledge is required.
  • Duration

    This course will be left permanently open as an open educational resource to be consulted but the forum will not be attended since the course is not live.

    Target audience

    This MOOC is intended for bilingual schools school boards and managers (principals, secretaries, bilingual programme coordinator, etc.) in Spain and other countries or members of school boards in general with an interest in bilingual programmes.
    The MOOC is also of interest to anyone who wants to learn more about bilingualism and bilingual education.


    Bilingualism, bilingual education, BiMo project, language learning, English as a foreign language, families, parents, teachers, school boards, schools.

    The BiMo Project

    This MOOC is part of the Erasmus+ project BiMo (Bilingualism in Monolingual Contexts: 2020-1-ES01-KA201-081917;
    The project is coordinated by the UNED (the project coordinator is Inmaculada Senra Silva). There are 7 contractual partners: Pixel (, ISIS Leonardo Da Vinci (, Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileišių mokykla (, EuroEd (, IES Marqués de Santillana (, IES Juan Sebastián Elcano (; and they are based in 4 different European countries (Spain, Italy, Lithuania and Romania).

    In today's society, learning and performing in a foreign language is an essential skill for the new generations. The BiMo project delves into this question and dedicates extensive research at the international level to collect information and experiences of families in relation to the bilingual education of their children. The focus of this project is centered on transferring experiences and results from typically bilingual societies to others with a monolingual tradition.

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This MOOC reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

    MOOC for School boards Course Overview by BiMo Project is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional License.

    1. Course Number

    2. Classes Start

      15 September 2024
    3. Estimated Effort

    4. Price Audit
