Geografische hulpmiddelen en technologieën voor de arbeidsmarkt (Portfolio MYGEO) (5. Auflage 2025) UNED

About this course
   Module 1: GIS, how did it change my professional life? GIS theory.
   Module 2: How can i change the world using GIS? Data source and storage, data coming from direct and indirect information.
   Module 3: Is my data really valid? Data maintenance, data protection and integrity.
   Module 4: Where do i obtain data for “the where”? Data coming from GPS, drone, radiometer, spectral camera... And performing data corrections as needed.
   Module 5: What do you know about spatial analysis? Spatial analysis.
   Module 6: Atractive geotools... are they possible? Geo-processing.
   Module 7: How can I visualize my data? Visualization and map viewers.
   Module 8: Will mobile apps help me to get a job? Geo-applications and programming.
Intermediate - advanced
- GIS Theory
- Data source and storage
- Spatial Analysis
- Geo-tools
- Geospatial visualization
- Geo-apps
María Sebastián López (University of Zaragoza)
María Zúñiga Antón (University of Zaragoza)
Angel Pueyo Campos (University of Zaragoza)
Ondřej Kratochvíl (University of Zaragoza)
Yago Martín González (University of Zaragoza)
Luc Zwartjes (Ghent University)
Bart De Wit (Ghent University)
David Cocero Matesanz (UNED)
Francisco José Morales Yago(UNED)
Ramón Pellitero Ondicol (UNED)
Massimo De Marchi (University of Padova)
Danielle Codato (University of Padova)
Alice Morandi (University of Padova)
Since this MOOC is a course that requires practical tasks, the evaluation of transversal and GIS skills will be carried out through seven deliverables, corresponding to Modules 2 to 8. Details about uploading deliverables in Geonode can be found here. Two questionnaires, one initial and one final after following all modules, is also a mandatory requirement to obtain the course certification.